Maharot, a teasing love story of naughty girl named Cecil (Kuhdet Honasan). The story heightened when Venel (Clark Conception), the soldier lover of Cecil, was assigned in Mindanao for military mission. Days passed by, with the absence of his girlfriend's caring heart, he seeks sexual passion and attention with another lass...leaving Cecil with a broken heart and unfulfilled promises. Because of shattered vows, Cecil seeks affection in the persona of Venel's younger brother, James (Jon Romano) and had a forbidden relationship with a policemen in their town. After a couple of years Venel returned to his hometown wanting to resolve all the troubles he left, he found Cecil's discreet and unfaithful relationship with different men leading him to a discovery of sexual diversion.
Starring: Kuhdet Honasan, Jon Romano, Clark Concepcion
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